Devil & Me
At first, I never thought that I will fall in love with this Taiwanese drama series---Devil Beside You until I spent my time watching it during Valentine's day :P. Its storyline may not sound like very unique. But, what I loved the most parts of this drama series are ways of Ah Meng and Xiao Yue being together as a couple =).
The moment Xiao Yue appears in Ah Meng's life, he holds very strong points that he WANTS her and will never ever let her go. It's really touching when Ah Meng speak out those words as I think it is not easy for a man who is so charming like Ah Meng to make such decisions.
Most of the times, men tend to think that they need to be stong to protect their partners or not to share any of their problems to avoid being the burden for their loved one. Like Ah Meng, he kept a secrect from Xiao Yue when he was sick. Many of us may think that this is a small matter. But, who knows, his action had caused her to think that she is not needed and trusted by him. From now on, guys and girls please try not to be selfish to let your partner knows more about you! ;)
While being with Ah Meng, Xiao Yue's love life is full of surprises. Those unexpected kisses and hugs from him really make her heart melt especially when he told her that he has become the happiest man because of her love.
While being with Ah Meng, Xiao Yue's love life is full of surprises. Those unexpected kisses and hugs from him really make her heart melt especially when he told her that he has become the happiest man because of her love.

No matter how strong the relationship is, there will be a day that a couple has to be separated. Though Ah Meng loves Xiao Yue very much, he still chose to leave her and went to Italy with his mom and brother.
He never asked her to wait for him to come back from Italy because he loves her and want to give her the freedom to choose whoever that is better than him. Such a desicion is not what a wise man shall do. Everyone of us desires for a happy ending, so don't ever try to be smart to determine for your partner who should he or she belong with. Luckily, Ah Meng realized about it in the end =P. He expressed his true feeling to her and both of them finally have the courage to be together even though they shall be seperated far far away.
After all, Devil has come back and gave her a surprise during Christmas time. Because this is the season that symbolizes their happiness and promises.
") In a reality, I'm waiting for my Devil too......