Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
From here, I grow
I had ended up my last relationship about 5 months ago. After the break up, I can't help thinking of him sometimes. Is normal, right? Whether this man is good or bad, it is impossible for me to totally forgot everything except--- the date when we break up. No matter how hard I try, I just can't recall it...aiks..
Basically, I know I shouldn't continuely blaming myself for the mistakes that I had made for the previous times. Because both of us are responsible for the failure of this relationship. Whatever things that I haven't done or said are no more important as times has passed. I have to kindly forgive myself, right? Then only I am able to kick 'him' out of my mind and moving forward.
In reality, I may decide on the money I want to spend, clothes that I want to wear, job that I want to do but not for the relationship as is unpredictable. Therefore, I would choose to sacrifice for my career rather than my partner. Accept my selfishness before be my man :P
I will feel guilty if I found a partner earlier than him. So, when I saw him hugging a girl in a photo from friendster, all my burdens are released. Haha... is time for me to haunt for love?
I will feel guilty if I found a partner earlier than him. So, when I saw him hugging a girl in a photo from friendster, all my burdens are released. Haha... is time for me to haunt for love?
How you define it?
As usual, we tend to believe things that we see ourselves. But, what if the thing which we have seen is not what it seems to be. Well, somehow or rather is depends on how much we want to believe it. It is quite inaccurate to judge things based on its outlook. However, not much of us are likely to spend times and look for every single details or evidences for all of the matters to prove whether it is true or the otherwise.
Take this wet kitchen as example, how much of us will ever think of this place is actually flooded before. To avoid the suspicious of the owner, we have actually come out with different ideas to cover the truth.

Now, do you still believe on what you have seen so far?
Go for the target
For the whole period of March, I was quite busy of preparing the industrial training stuff. Those processes of selecting the companies (which I never heard of the names except Big 4), preparing and sending the resumes really make me exhausted.
Day passed by day, most of my friends had already get their offers to go for interviews except me. At that time, I really felt like I am a failure. Anyhow, I still believe that the miracle is always out there and waiting for me :).
Sunshine comes after the rainy day, I have get the offers from several companies finally. Among all the choices I have, without second thought, I picked KPMG in Penang because when I see the name KPMG, it was 'love at first sight' :P. My decision is surely surprising some of my friends because at first I was so insist to stay in KL. Anything could change when it has to.
Hurray! My internship period is going to start in another 3 months. I really not sure how my life would be at that time, hardly imagine that. Will it tough, relax or...? I will let you know very soon.
Friday, March 10, 2006
......Frankly Speaking......
When we are a little kid most of us would believe in fairy tale and then fantacy about what would our life be. Imagine of those fairy, white dresses or prince charming who carry you way to a castle on hill.
But eventually when I grow up, I realized that the examples of fairy tale hardly appear in reality. At the end of the day that happy ever after is not so important just that be happy right now.
Faith is the funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expected. Once in a blue moon, when you meet with the person who takes your breath away, it is hard to let go the fairy tale entirely because most of the times we will still believe in the smallest bit of hopes that one day when we open our eyes and it will all come true......
In certain of times, we tend to put things off. Most probably it has a lot to do with fear like fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of rejection......
Sometimes, fear is just making the decision because what if you make mistakes that cannot undo or what if you are wrong.
We often see things that we want to see and believe what we want to believe. We deny that we are scare and deny how badly we want to succeed. The most importantly we deny we are in denial. We lie to ourselves so much that after a while a lie seems like a truth. Occasionally, we deny so much until we could hardly tell the truth. Sooner or later, we have to put aside our denial and learn our own lessons from our own mistakes.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
My remarkable PC......
Today, I woke up at 10 in the morning. Usually, I will turn on my pc and then start my day. After a long wait, nothing pop up from the screen. Oh my God! I had a bad feeling. My pc 'on leave' again? Gosh...... I still need to borrow my friend's pc. Last week, I purposely sent it back to Penang for repairs and within a week it is unable to function AGAIN! I'm not blaming the repair man, ok ? I'm just disappointed with my pc.
Now, I only wish to know what is the exact problem that cause the breakdown... Throughout these years, I felt that the problem that exists in my pc is still unsolve. Recently, it became so unstable and often black out just like that. Why the life time of my pc is so short? Did i ill-treat it ? Nah... I got take good care of it....
Most of my friends have suggested to me to buy a new one because this is the 9th times my pc has spoilt if I'm not mistaken. For my sake, I know I should change it. Yet, I have my very own reason of not doing so as it is a gift when I enter into the university.
This pc is very meaningful to me so I will try my best to fix it no matter what until it is too old to go through the repair processes. I really hope that it can survive for a longer time ; ).
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I'm asking the RESPECT from you!!!
I'm the type of girl who like to smile and say 'hi' whenever I meet my friends. If you smile to me, I will also do the same even though the person might be a stranger. For me, smiling is a type of manner. Even though you are my enemy, I will still greet you despite that I'm having a battle field with you. Haha... maybe some of you might think that I'm a hypocrite, acting like "a wolf in sheep's clothing". No... no... no... I'm NOT!!! Dont' get it wrong, just don't misunderstand my personality. I'll treat you as a friend regardless of your "enemy" status or in the process of fighting for victory. Believe or not, that's me :)
Anyway, I'm not discussing my personality here. Ehm...mmm...what I'm trying to say here is be good and try to greet someone you know friendly. I tremendously HATE seeing somebody who knows me and still treats me like I'm INVISIBLE and walked passed me in the campus. Arrrghh...... really feel disgusted about the personality of these TWO GIRLS. Honestly, I seldom hate anyone in my life. I even have forgiven those who once hurt me before and slowly let go of the incidence that have occured.
I really don't understand why I have such a deep hatred towards these two girls or perhaps I know, yet refuse to face the reality. Whatever it is, I really hope that I can DELETE both of them from my memory after I expressed my feelings in here. * Ding * ...... another best solution is I should forget that they were once considered friends of mine. So that, next time when these 'TWO STRANGERS' passed by me, I can just ignore them rather than waiting STUPIDLY for their 'SWEET SMILE'!!! While most of the time, their noses are raised up above the ceiling and they will use the corner of their eyes to look at me. What type of horrible creatures they are!!!